Self Love Coaching to help women attract the loving relationship they deserve

The offer – 3 sessions

A three part self love coaching intensive to help women get clear on what they really want from a relationship without settling, uncover their limiting beliefs and hidden blocks that are holding them back from attracting the right partner into their life and understand how to use The Law of Attraction to manifest their soulmate and lasting love.

Who would benefit from this?

Women who are lacking confidence and self worth and have a history of attracting the wrong kind of partner who doesn’t treat them right.
Women who have “given up” on finding love because of their previous bad relationships.

Session One: Clarity Session

This first coaching session is designed to help you get clear on your relationship goals and what you really want and need from a partner and help you choose goals that are aligned with you heart’s desires. This session will ensure that you are specific with your intentions rather than being too vague and general with your desires. This session will give you the clarity you need to start manifesting your soul mate with ease.

Session Two: Identifying The Limiting Beliefs that have been holding you back from finding the loving relationship you deserve

Most people are not aware of why they are not able to find love or why they keep attracting the wrong kind of partner. They may be aware of certain issues with their own self worth and confidence, but don’t know why these thought patterns are being triggered or how these beleifs were formed.
This session is designed to help you get to the root cause of your limiting beliefs and identify the subconscious beliefs that are currently leading you to not value or love yourself in the way that should be.
A lot of the reason why women suffer with low self worth and therefore do not attract or command the relationship they deserve stems from a very early age, so this session is designed to help you tap into those early stories that have formed your belief system today. It’s important that these blocks are identified so that you know which beliefs to work on moving forwards.

Session Three: Law of Attraction Coaching

This next session is designed to help you understand the basics of The Law of Attraction as a tool to achieve your relationship goals moving forwards We will dive into how the Law of Attraction applies to your self worth and your current belief system and changes you will need to make so that you manifest more confidence, self acceptance and a lasting relationship with ease. We will look into some key Law of Attraction exercises that will support you in your relationship goals moving forwards.

The offer – 12 sessions

Welcome Materials

You will start your coaching journey by being provided with a Welcome Pack. This will include an Introduction to The Clique method of coaching, the principles of the coaching, and how it will be used to help you. 

Session One

Helping you get clear on what you want, your desires, your goals, and how you want to feel. Help you map out a vision for the future.

Session Two

Helping you identify the blocks (both conscious and subconscious) that are currently holding you back and will continue to hold you back in the future.

These blocks may be fears, limiting beliefs, or anxious thoughts and worries.

These blocks may be blocks that you have already identified (conscious) OR they may be hidden blocks (subconscious) that need to be brought to the surface.

Most conscious blocks have their roots in the subconscious and it is important to identify where the block initially stemmed from. 

Session Three

This is the first week of belief work where I will help you transform your limiting beliefs and mindset.

Session Four

This is the second week of belief work where I will continue helping you transform your limiting beliefs and mindset by using some of the NLP techniques.

Session Five

This is the third week of belief work where I will design a bespoke session based on your personality and use the technique that I feel would be most beneficial to you.

Session Six

This is the first week of energy work where I will help you release negative energy and raise your vibration.

Session Seven

This is the second week of energy work where I will continue helping you release negative energy and raise your vibration.

Session Eight

This is the third week of energy work which I will design based on your own preference and will help you maintain a high frequency.

Session Nine

During this week, I will help you map out your inspired action plan towards your goals. At this stage, you will re-evaluate some of the goals you have established in light of your new mindset.

Session Ten

During this week I will help you learn the art of surrender to The Universe, trusting and having faith that what you want will be received at exactly the moment you are meant to receive it.

Session Eleven

This is about helping you  embrace and activate your feminine energy.

Session Twelve

During the final week of your coaching, I will help you understand how to deal with setbacks and help you keep moving in the forward momentum.